“cat” It reads data from input and give output. now you don’t give any input so it is a standard input(keyboard) and the standard output is a screen.
It helps us to create, view, and concatenate files.
“cat /etc/host” you change standard input(keyboard) a give the path do file host. output is standart (screen)
“cat >comands.txt” standard input and output is file commands.txt
“cat tmp/test.txt > tmp/sycreycretnotice.txt” contents test.txt will be write in sycreycretnotice.txt
“cat tmp/test.txt >> tmp/sycreycretnotice.txt” contents test.txt will be ADDED to contents in file sycreycretnotice.txt
“cat -n test.text” show contents test.tex and number line
“head” aplikacja head, wyswietlaja nam poczatek pliku
“tali” wyswietla nam za to koniec pliku.